Century Iron and Steel officially announced its membership in “TALENT, in Taiwan”



One of the crucial tasks in operational development objectives ofCentury Iron and Steelto be attached great importance to is the cultivation and development of

talents. Due to the wave of ESG, global companies are paying more attention to social responsibility of talents. At this critical moment,Century Iron and Steelofficially announced to join “TALENT, in Taiwan” !


We will commit to three indicators of sustainable talent: “Diversity and

Inclusion”, “Communication within Organization”, and “Talent Growth” by taking the following actions:


I.  Diversity and Inclusion

Century Iron and Steel creates a multicultural workplace that embraces employees with diverse backgrounds (gender, nationality, age, identity, etc.), enhances

inclusiveness as well as strengthens corporate competitiveness, and raises an awareness of human rights, anti-discrimination, and diversity to create friendly interactions environment within organization.

Century Iron and Steel regularly accepts third-party agencies commissioned by the owner to conduct audits on the human rights and workplace safety of migrant workers, and interviews with migrant workers as well as intermediaries for the safeguarding of their on-site environment, work safety, and accommodation.


I.     Communication within Organization

1.  We provide internal and external resources, establish a transparent, open, friendly and respectful communication culture and channels, actively collect employees’ feedbacks, and effectively build mutual trust between colleagues and the management team.

2.  An anonymous suggestion box has been set up to allow colleagues to express their thoughts and opinions anonymously.


II.     Talent Growth

Each year, we plan annual education and training programs according to the needs of our staff and the company’s business, provide our employees with professional

training and help them obtain professional certification. We also actively promote

talent training, introduce resources for industry-academia exchange to jointly facilitate successful opportunities for industry-academia cooperation. We emphasize on

function enhancement with appropriate education and training, and push positive development of human resources forward.


In the coming years, we will continue to promote and advocate with “Master Cheers”, “Cheers 快樂工作人and 100+ enterprises in Taiwan to work on the incubation and the improvement of skills to build a better future for every worker.