Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health

n   Safety and Health Philosophy and Management Meaning to CT

A sound workforce is closely intertwined with company development, and the implementation of occupational health and safety management is a crucial factor affecting worker safety, health, and labor supply, as well as a key aspect of sustainable business operations.

As a result, countries worldwide are imposing increasing requirements on occupational safety and health management. CT has also followed suit, implementing robust occupational safety and health management practices, working together with colleagues and partners to uphold a safe working environment.


n   Management Policy

CT’s occupational environment safety and health management primarily revolves around the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) management system, including ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. Through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, continuous improvement is pursued. Regular reviews of performance indicators are conducted in company Occupational Safety and Health Committees and Environmental, Health and Safety Management Review Meetings, aiming to enhance the safety of employees in their work environment and promote healthcare.


CT’s environmental, health, and safety performance indicators are divided into two categories: proactive (near-miss incidents, safety and health proposals) and reactive (disciplinary actions by regulatory authorities, audit results). In addition to complying with occupational safety and health regulations, the company also increases the frequency and scope of physical check-ups for employees. Furthermore, every employee working on-site is required to undergo special examinations for specific hazards such as noise and dust, aiming to enhance employee safety and promote healthcare in their work operations.


n   Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The “Occupational Health and Safety Management System” applies to all employees working within the CT premises. The specific provisions for subcontractor employees are governed by the contracting agreement and its accompanying documents. Each department conducts hazard identification and risk assessment for their respective operations, prioritizing improvement actions based on the level of risk. The effectiveness of these improvements is evaluated using two performance indicators.

To enhance the occupational health and safety performance within the organization and ensure a safe working environment for employees, CT implemented the OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System in 2017.

In response to the newly published ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, CT has also revised its existing safety and health management regulations to comply with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. In February of 2021, a third-party inspection agency was commissioned to assist with the verification of the transition from the original OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System to ISO 45001:2018.


n   Environmental Safety and Health Office

To effectively organize, supervise, and assist departments in organizing and performing audits and management related to occupational safety and health, and studying and solving practical issues, CT has particularly established its “Environmental Safety and Health Office” (the “ESH”) and set up three sub-sections of Occupational Safety Management Section, Environmental Safety Management Section, and Health Management Section to reinforce the management based on the importance of different aspects one after another.


Except for organizing labor environmental safety and health, disaster prevention training, fire drills, and safety protection communications, the ESH of the Company also periodically discusses the issues and management performances of environmental safety and health, reports the annual management performance of environmental safety and health to the management review meetings for the Company to make evaluation and follow-up, and further improves the overall effectiveness of the Company’s environmental safety and health management through constant discussions.


n   Safety and Health Committee

According to Articles 10 and 11 of the Regulations for Occupational Safety and Health Management, an Occupational Safety and Health Committee shall be established, consisting of at least seven members. Apart from the employer as an ex officio member, the following personnel shall be designated by the employer based on the actual needs of the business unit: occupational safety and health personnel, supervisors from various departments within the organization, engineering and technical personnel related to occupational safety and health, medical and healthcare personnel involved in workers' health services and labor representatives.

The current labor representative has completed the ballot and announced the results in May 2021. Their term of office is from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2023, with a two-year appointment period. The employer serves as the chairman of the committee and oversees its affairs.


In accordance with Article 12 of the Regulations for Occupational Safety and Health Management, our company shall convene a committee meeting once every quarter to handle matters related to occupational safety and health management. Regular reviews of the occupational safety and health management processes will be conducted, and subsequent actions will be implemented based on the meeting records. This collaborative effort aims to ensure that the occupational safety and health policy is effectively integrated into the responsibilities of each colleague’s job duties.


n   Responsibility and Complaint System

During the reporting period, occupational safety and health committee members did not participate in any occupational safety and health-related proposals or complaints. The participation rate of non-management level workers was 33%.
